06.30.2018 | Workout of the Day

For time:
400m run
20 Burpees
400m run
19 Burpees
400m Run
18 Burpees
etc, etc, etc, until...
400m run
1 Burpee

*Time cap is 60 minutes.
*If you have a weight vest, 20/14, wear it.
*Repeat from 05.17.2016

06.29.2018 | Workout of the Day

Work up to a heavy squat clean, then...

CrossFit Linchpin Test 2
3 Rounds:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Squat Cleans, 135/95
20 box jumps, 24”/20”

06.28.2018 | Workout of the Day

Get out of the gym.

06.27.2018 | Workout of the Day

Ten Intervals of:
30 seconds of Rowing for Max Calories

Rest 3 minutes between intervals

06.26.2018 | Workout of the Day

7 sets of:
50 Ft. Front Rack Lunge